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Study skills

Get Organised

Take control of your own time. Use these tips so you get good results with your studies as well as fitting in work, friends, exercise and relaxation. 

  • Create a realistic schedule. Find an organising tool that suits you and use it (E.g., phone calendar, diary and/or semester planner)
  • Keep your calendar/planner in a place where you can see it daily.
  • Put all due dates for assessments and exams and non-negotiable commitments for the semester in your planner so you can see what’s coming up and prioritise your tasks.

Manage your time

  • Create dedicated, regular times for study outside of classes that you can maintain and works for you as part of your weekly routine.
  • Avoid procastination and distraction: work out what stops you from getting work done (Gaming? Instagram? SnapChat?). One way to manage this is to see these activities as rewards after you have studied.
  • Set reminders to stay on track. 
  • Set your priorities. Use these to set achievable short and longer term goals. Note the most urgent deadlines.
  • Break study blocks into short, manageable chunks.
  • Complete simple tasks first. This can create a sense of accomplishment and alleviate stress.

Review your plan

  • Find balance. You may need to revise the schedule and be flexible to make time to sleep, exercise and socialise, as well as to work and study.
  • If you are struggling to manage your time and studies, contact a learning advisor.

Contact us

Learning Advisors | Library,  Ground Floor,  Building C | Email

Drop in to the Library Monday to Friday, 12.30-4pm. No appointment required

Book an in-person or online appointment here