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Study skills

English Language Skills - group of students chatting

Improving English language skills: key points

Studying in Australia is an excellent opportunity to improve your English, but you need to practise your English in as many ways as possible:

  • Make friends with other students, both local students and those from other language backgrounds to yours.

  • Watch movies or TV in English and with English subtitles.  Listen to music with English lyrics. Sing along!

  • Be prepared: read notes and look at any presentation before class so you are more familiar with the language used.

  • If you spend a lot of time with students who speak your language, agree to set times when you only speak English.

  • Set a goal to ask a question or speak up in each class.

  • Join a club, attend events, or join a sports team with English speakers.

  • Find work in an English-speaking workplace.

Improving your English: video

Get tips from international students at Federation University about how to build English skills