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Study skills

Academic Writing: Key Points

Answer the question and make sure you follow task instructions and rubrics carefully.

Ask your teacher to clarify the meaning of any task instructions that you are unsure about before you start writing.

Support your views with well-referenced research, evidence and examples.

Analyse and synthesise ideas, and evaluate them critically. Do not just describe.

Use objective language that does not focus on your personal views (e.g. 'It is evident that……' not  'I think that…')

Use a formal style: use more formal words (e.g. 'children' not 'kids'), do not use contractions ('will not' not 'won’t'), and do not use abbreviations (e.g. 'that is' not 'i.e')

Use standard, consistent formatting: clear paragraphs and/or sections; fonts like Arial or Calibri in 12 point; name, student ID and page numbers in the footer etc.


Cohesive, critical and interpretive writing

Academic Skills, The University of Melbourne. (2020. March 20). Cohesive, critical and interpretive writing[Video]. YouTube. (10:15 mins}

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