From your EndNote Library you can create an independent/standalone reference/bibliography list. This list can be created without using Cite While You Write (CWYW). When you use (CWYW) you add in-text citations from your EndNote Library in a Word document. This feature also produces your reference list entries automatically.
An independent reference/bibliography list will simply list the sources in a Word document that you have added to your EndNote Library.
The instructions are below to create an independent reference/bibliography list.
1. Open your EndNote Library and select the desired references, click on the appropriate Group, or use the Search command.
2. Check that you have chosen the correct ‘Output Style’ (APA 7th - WAI).
3. From the References menu, choose Copy Formatted Reference to copy the references to the Clipboard.
4. Open a Word document and Paste the references into Word. These will appear in APA 7th Style.
You can work with an unformatted document most of the time, and occasionally click Update Citations and Bibliography, then unformat again.
Note: if there are any errors in the inserted references (e.g. incorrect spelling):
There are two ways of making formatting changes to your list of references:
Mac users - Select 'Tools' > 'Convert to Plain Text'.