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EndNote 20

Import from PDFs

Three ways to import references from PFDs.

 NOTE: this will only work 100% with PDFs which include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it will not work on scanned copies of PDFs.

Mac users - Similar procedures to Windows (see below).

Import from PDFs

To import a single PDF that you have already saved to your PC:

  1. Go to File > Import > File...
  2. Select Choose..., browse to the relevant PDF, then select Open
  3. From the Import Option, select PDF
  4. Select Import

PDFs are stored in the .data file associated with your EndNote library.

To import PDFs from a folder that you have already saved to your PC:

  1. Go to File > Import > Folder...
  2. Select Choose..., browse to the relevant folder, then select OK
  3. From the Import Option, select PDF(s)
  4. Select Import

PDFs are stored in the .data file associated with your EndNote library.

To set up EndNote to automatically import references in this way:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > PDF Handling (for Mac, Preferences is in the EndNote X9 menu)
  2. Under the heading PDF Auto Import Folder, select Enable automatic importing
  3. Select the folder where you'll save PDFs
  4. Select Apply, then select OK (for Mac, just select Save).

When you save a PDF to the selected folder, the next time you open EndNote (if it isn't already open), the reference and the PDF will be automatically imported into your EndNote Library, and the PDF will be moved to a subfolder (automatically created and named 'Imported').

PDFs are stored in the .data file associated with your EndNote library.

NOTE: For references which EndNote does not find the details add some information e.g. author and title and use the Find Reference Update option.