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Assessment types

Planning your presentation

  • Be clear about what you want to achieve. Are you informing, persuading, or explaining?
  • Consider your audience. What will interest them? What do they know already? Can you get them involved?
  • Research your topic. Look for clear, concise information, examples and illustrations from reliable sources.
  • Organise your material. What is a logical order? How much time can you spend on each point?
  • Make sure you know the venue. What equipment is available? Do you know how to use it?
  • Find time to practise. Get some feedback. Check your timing.

Remember: Having excellent, well researched content is vital for a good presentation.

Writing your presentation

  • How are you going to capture your audience’s attention? Can you ask a question, start with an interesting fact, or story?
  • Make sure your purpose is clear (Today I will……)
  • Give your audience an idea of what you’ll cover in your talk. Outline the structure (First I will… Then…)
  • Present your ideas in a logical order
  • Be clear when you are moving to a new point (Next, … Another issue …)
  • Emphasise key points
  • Keep sentences simple and less formal than an essay
  • Plan how you will end your talk. Don’t let it just fade out.
  • Sum up the main points
  • Conclude clearly (In conclusion…. Finally…..)
  • Ask the audience for questions

Delivering your presentation

  • Talk to your audience. Don’t read out a script: it’s boring! Use notes or cards with key words to remind you of key points
  • Speak slowly and clearly. Consider your speaking pace. Speak more slowly than everyday conversation. Use pauses.
  • Make eye contact. Look at your audience (if recording, via the camera)
  • Relax. Use hand gestures and facial expressions.

Group Presentation Etiquette

  • When presenting in a group introduce everyone and mute yourself when not talking if presenting online

Rehearse … practise, practise, practise. 

  • Practise in a mirror, with friends or family.
  • Make time for in-person or online catch ups with your partners to practice your delivery of group presentations