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Assessment types

structure of advanced reports

The structure of a report will vary with the requirements of the task. Carefully consider what needs to be included.

Letter of Transmittal (if required)

Title Page

Executive Summary

Table of Contents

List of Figures (if required)

  1. Introduction
  2. Findings/Discussion (main body)
  3. Conclusion
  4. Recommendations (if required)


Appendices (if required)

sections required in some reports

An executive summary is different to an introduction as it summarises the whole report.
The executive summary:
  • Gives an overview of the: 
    • Purpose and scope
    • Main findings
    • Conclusions
    • Key recommendations (if required)
  • Comes immediately before the Table of Contents page
  • Is short: only one page in length (maximum)
  • Is written last, using material from all sections of the report

Appendices can include extra information that is too detailed or long to put in the body of the report.  

  • They could include, for example:
    • Graphs, charts, tables and other statistics
    • Relevant documents
    • Research data
  • Number appendices in the order they are mentioned in the text. E.g. Appendix A, Appendix B etc. (or just Appendix if there is only one)
  • Make sure you refer to appendices in the body of your report.

  E.g.: 'Appendix C provides a full list of the destinations in the sample.'

  • Each appendix should start on a new page
  • Label each one (e.g. Appendix A) and give it a short title (centred), e.g..

Appendix C

List of destinations

  • Include a list of appendices in your table of contents
  • Appendices are not always required
  • Appendices are not included in word count so can be useful if your word count is too high

This example shows how appendices can be included in a table of contents.A table of contents including appendices


A letter of transmittal is a short cover letter for the report. 

  • It introduces the report
  • It may give some context or background 
  • It may point out any unexpected findings or difficulties in preparation

Most assessment reports do not require a letter of transmittal.