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Assessment types

Group work: key points

Groupwork - This assessment type is often used as it makes efficient use of resources,  helps you to develop skills for your future work life and enhances your learning experience.

It can also be a challenging experience.

  • Early in the process, work together to establish the group's goals.
  • Brainstorm or map what your main objectives are.  You will need to clearly identify what the task is – you could refer to the marking guide/rubric.
  • Everyone has their own weaknesses and strengths, so have a discussion about what each person would like to contribute to the group. Eg someone may have great computer skills, someone else may be great at researching.  Identify the group’s individual strengths.
  • Ensure that the workload is evenly and fairly distributed amongst the group – one of the biggest complaints when working in a group, is that someone in not putting in enough effort. 
  • Clearly identify tasks that each member of the group is responsible for and put this is writing.
  • Work out times that suit the group to meet on a regular basis.  Be clear about meeting place and times.
  • Map out what you would like to have completed by certain timelines – ie who is doing what by when.
  • Any conflict needs to be resolved quickly for the group to function properly.
  • Conflict can be a healthy part of groupwork, as it allows for discussion.
  •  Disagreements need to be sorted out quickly and fairly.
  • Focus on the task rather than personal differences.
  • If you are unable to resolve issues, please refer back to your teacher/tutor.


Listening skills
  • It is important to listen to what the members of your group have to say.
  • Encourage members who may be shy or reluctant to speak up.
Keeping in contact
  • Establish the way that you will communicate with each other, outside of meetings. Eg some students find that a Group Facebook page is an excellent way to communicate electronically.  Google Docs and WhatsApp are also popular ways of sharing information. 
  • Exchange contact information such as telephone numbers & email addresses.
Meeting rooms
  • There are Study Rooms available in the WAI Library.   Students can book these at the WAI Library Service desk.
Sources: Hartley, P., & Dawson, M. (2010). Pocket study skills: Success in groupwork.  Palgrave Macmillan; and Learning Matters. (n.d). 10 Tips working effectively with groups.  

Contact us

Learning Advisors | Library,  Ground Floor,  Building C | Email

Drop in to the Library Monday to Friday, 12.30-4pm. No appointment required

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