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Assessment types

Essays: key points

  • Read and analyse your task instructions carefully. Highlight key words.

  • Make sure you are clear about details like the due date, word count and required formatting.

  • Check the marking rubric (marking guide) for any additional information about how to get better marks.

  • Make a plan before you start writing. The marking guide will be helpful here.

  • Record your source details as you go to help with referencing (e.g. articles or websites used).

  • Support your ideas with references formatted using the William Angliss referencing guide.

  • Proof read and check referencing carefully before you submit. Get someone else to review it.

Essays: Links

How to write a strong thesis statement

Writing Ninjas: How to write a strong thesis statement. (2014, February 26). Inkwell Media [Video] YouTube. (3:40 min)

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