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Research skills

Searching for resources

  • are useful for getting background or an overview of your topics/subjects. For example: Culinary management
  • can be in many different formats, such as
    • written by one or many authors
    • edited books contain chapters usually written by different authors who are experts in their field. They are considered scholarly source.

Where to find

How to search/browse                   


Library catalogue and/or browse the collections on the shelves in the Library.

  • Check index and/or contents for topic and related keywords.
  • Index is located at back with topics/terms listed alphabetically.

Contents is located at front listing chapter content.                                                          

Ebook Collections at WAI Library

  • Bloomsbury Food Library - a collection of food studies content that includes reference works, ebooks, images, and podcasts
  • Ebsco Community Collection - a multidisciplinary collection that covers topics across various programs and fields of study.
  • Ebsco Open Access Collection - a collection that offers access to thousands of titles on various topics without DRM (digital rights management) restrictions.
  • Knovel Food Science - covers food safety, nutrition, food ingredients, food microbiology and other related topics.
  • Proquest (EBL) -  provides authoritative ebooks from the world's top publishers in the areas of hospitality, tourism, events and food science.


Search by keywords, title or author

  • Check index and/or contents for topic and related keywords.
  • Index is located at back with topics/terms listed alphabetically.

Contents is located at front listing chapter content.                         


Journal articles cover specific topics and subjects, specifically the academics journal articles.

Academic or peer-reviewed journal articles are also known as scholarly journal articles.They are written and thoroughly reviewed by academics who are the experts in their fields.

Where to find

How to search/browse                          

Journals (prints)

  • Library Catalogue
    • Refine your results (on the left-hand side) → Source TypesAcademic journals and/or Publication date range
  • Library databases
    • Select Peer reviewed and/or Publication date range

Once the article is selected for reading:

  • Check abstract and keyword/subject listing for keywords and related topics:
    • Abstract provides a summary and outlines main focus.
    • Keyword or Subject listing lists related topics and wider focus.

For example:  food and sustainability in Australia post COVID-19

  View example

  • Google Scholar - use the Google Scholar on the Library webpage to access Library subscribed journal articles.
  • Click on the "FullText@WAILRC" link on the right of your search results to retrieve full-text articles.

To search for statistics, industry/annual reports and performance.

For example: Australian Hospitality industry statistics (IBISWorld)

Where to find

How to search/browse                          

  • Library databases - Browse by individual databases or A-Z listing
    • IBISWorld - industry, company and risk rating reports
  • Google - Government, educational, business and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) websites.
  • Check contents and/or executive summary (where available) for topic and related keywords.
  • Contents is located at front listing section content.
  • Executive summary is located on first few pages summarising content and findings.

Visual representation of events, concepts

Where to find

How to search/browse                          

Free/CC image sites

  • Check for any terms of use, CC or copyright licenses before selecting an image.
  • Free images can be freely copied, re-used and adapted.
  • CC Creative Commons images can be copied or re-used according to the terms of the specific CC license.
  • © Copyright images cannot be copied or re-used without explicit permission from creator.

To search for general background information

For example:    Australian Taxation Office -

      Australian Hotels Association -

      Tourism Victoria -

Where to find

How to search/browse                          

  • Google - Government, educational, business/company and NGO (Non-Government Organisation)  websites                        

Check website domain contained in URL and the About Section to decide if the source is academically appropriate.

  • .gov → Government
  • .org → Organisation 
  • .au → Australia
  • .edu → Education
  • .com / .co → Company/Business