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Copyright Guide and Referencing Images

Attributing images

When using reproduced, reprinted or adapted figures (images or tables), you need to provide a:-

  • Copyright attribution (instead of an in-text citation)
  • APA reference list entry
  • Figure/Table number (appear above the figure/table in bold e.g. Figure 1, Table 1)
  • Figure/Table title (appear below the figure/table number in title case and italics).
  • Figure/Table note/s (appears below the figure/table, notes may describe contents of the figure/table that cannot be understood from the title or image/table alone. Your copyright attribution would appear here).
  • Permission statement (if required). This statement appears with the copyright attribution underneath the figure/table note.

See the William Angliss Institute APA 7th Style Guide to Reproduced, Reprinted or Adapted Images guide (pages 7-23) for more information and examples on how to format a copyright attribution for figures (images or tables) within your work. 

Contact us

Copyright Officer: Sarah Kidd - e:

chat: I e: I t: +61 3 9606 2237 I visit: Ground Floor, Building C, 555 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000